Sunday, May 22, 2011


I believe we are given experiences in life that we are meant to learn something from.

No matter how much it hurts inside, nothing should be taken in vain.

I learned something that was hard for me to take recently.  It's something that probably I should really remember before I lose myself into these experiences.  I let my emotions run my actions too much and I see that this is where I go wrong.

I learned that I KNOW I am worth going the distance for and that I want and deserve to be with someone that feels that way about me too.



  1. I lesson well learned by women of wisdom.
    Remember the you God created is a gift, for those who God has chosen. And worth much more than this world can offer.
    <3 Tremendous post.

    I read this this afternoon, but it would not let me comment...trying again now!

  2. Well this was a sucker punch of a lesson but duly noted to not forget :-/ Is it wrong for me to say that I wish God would hurry up with the one He has chosen? I'm getting old and lonely over here... lol

    Thank you as always for reading and commenting :-)

  3. Here's my best answer to your heart's question:

    Blessings Love.
