Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Shadow walks faster than you
You don’t really know what to do
Do you think that you’re not alone?
You really think that you are immune to
Its gonna get that the best of you
Its gonna lift you up and let you down
It will defeat you then teach you to get back up
After it takes all that
You learn to love
~Jack Johnson "Hope"

Ozzie and Harriet...Desi and Lucy...Antony and Cleopatra...

It's plain to see that there have been several great famed and destined loves throughout history. Many have been blessed to be struck by cupid's arrow ONE time and have it stick.

I am not one of those seemingly "lucky" ones. I know there are several out there that have walked along in the same shadows as I have - so you can relate. My walk is a learning one. I am choosing to not repeat mistakes or wrongs that I may have made to others or to myself.

Jack Johnson certainly says it best with how "it will defeat you and teach you to get back up". My last defeat really knocked the wind out of me, however, here I am getting to my feet. I'm learning how to walk again. This time I am walking slower, but more careful to watch my steps.

I will learn to love again.

My first steps are learning to love me.

Monday, June 1, 2009

One Flaw...

I received this email from a good friend today - I felt I should share it:

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men.

They bear hardships and they carry burdens,

but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy

and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer

when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel

and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about

a birth or a wedding.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They grieve at the loss of a family member,

yet they are strong when they

think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss

can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you

to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what

makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.

They have compassion and ideas.

They give moral support to their

family and friends.

Women have vital things to say

and everything to give.