Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dreams of change

Yoda wisdom Mondays and Froggy unexpected Tuesdays… this is how my week has been going.

I love having friends I can get silly with. 
I had a dream about frogs.  Yes frogs, strange yet symbolic.  You see, I’ve always taken an interest in what my subconscious is telling me while I’m sleeping and what I learned is that to see frogs in your dream represents change or the unexpected.   Today I had the unexpected crazy with laughter kind of a day.  It felt uplifting to let go of the seriousness that life brings for a little while.  It is also amazing to see how a positive mood can alter the course of a day.  I woke up with the feeling that I could just crawl back into my cocoon and stay there for a few more hours.  The unexpected change was refreshing.  Learn to expect the unexpected.   

So my quick 5 minute blog post is just a reminder to get silly every now and then – it’s good for the soul and has a positive effect on those you interact with.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rant, Reasoning and Reminders

Why it’s easier to spill my thoughts onto a blank page then to just say what’s on my mind in a moment when it counts absolutely baffles me.  My heart strangles me and the words escape me.  Sarcasm takes over.  I can’t explain it but I’m sure many can understand this phenomenon.   I’m over here trying to find the positive in partially lonely existence.  I say partially because… well I’m not alone.  I am blessed beyond means.  I have two daughters.  However, when they spend weekends with their father it is – just me.  Lately this is becoming harder to deal with.   People…. They come and go.  The strong ones stick around.  Many are weak.  They don’t last.  They have excuses.  Excuses embed into my soul and affect me in the most negative way.  I start believing things.  I start believing that really I am not worth the time.  I’m not worth the effort.   They creep up on me in the loneliest of moments.  They shatter my dreams, desires and hope.   Time to take that advice I can so easily offer others.   One foot in front of the other Melissa and remember that I am in good hands.  It’s so easy to immediately feel selfish and worthless at the same time.  I’m telling you all of this because it’s a reminder that I am human.  We are all human.  Even those that try to remain positive have bad days.  Sometimes I think we might even have more.   I know I am going to learn from this.  I am always learning.  Repeating yet again… I am worth it.  I am worth it.  I am worth it.