Thursday, May 26, 2011


I've cried - and was given a shoulder to cry on

I've gotten angry - and was given boxing gloves and a sparring partner

I've questioned my own worth - and was shown nothing but love and appreciation

I still hurt


I'm still standing strong as ever
I'm still the person I was always meant to be 

but I feel humble and SO BLESSED

never before have I felt so "worth it" before....



  1. You are FANTASTIC!


  2. You are extremely "worth it" Melissa, and don't let anyone or anything, EVER, make you feel that you are "unworthy". Anytime that you feel that way, just think of your personality, your talents, and everything that YOU have to offer to this world, or anyone. Don't beat yourself up, because you may have had some tough times, or made some wrong decisions, or etc. You are a good person from what i know of you so far, and your "worth it" to me.

  3. Thank you Mr. Anonymous - comment is much appreciated
